Sunday, January 30, 2011


After our last visit to the pediatrician he gave us the go ahead to start feeding Tyce solid foods. For some reason I thought he would love eating a mix of sweet potatoes and rice cereal from a spoon... who wouldn't! I think he liked squishing it around in his mouth and spitting it out much more.

Here is the result....
I'm not sure if he is more excited about eating sweet potatoes or wearing the cute cow bib that Aunt Cami made him.

The excitement quickly wore off on the second day. Between spoonfuls I turned around to get something out of the cupboard and when I turned back around this is what I found.


  1. I am laughing so hard right now! How is he so cute?!

  2. That is impressive that he can sleep in that thing. Give him a little longer and he will love eating solids. I can't feed Lincoln fast enough. At first he didn't like it, but now he is going crazy!!!
